Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Seed Are In

My mission this weekend was to complete several projects. Mission accomplished. My most proud accomplishment this weekend was turning  newspaper and toilet paper rolls into seedling pots and then filling them with dirt. My daughter's helped me with this project. I'm sorry to say it didn't even cross my mind to take a picture of my daugther's hands and forearms gloved in dirt. She kept asking to wash her hands to wash the dirt off but she couldn't keep herself from putting her hands back in the dirt. Funny child now, not so funny at the time. My oldest daughter was the one that rolled the newspaper up. She did it with such ease I had to reconsider whether I should allow her to do more of the things she wants to do on her own more often. Maybe she is more capable than I gave her credit for.

The seeds in the pots are: organic sunflower seeds and soybeans we bought at Home Depot this weekend and then grape seeds and poblano pepper seed from the foods we bought at the grocery store. I've read it's not a good idea to do this because you really don't know the farming practice behind the food, but right now, I'm really trying to be frugal so I'll take what I can get for free.  I will be planting more seeds from foods from the CSA I saved and dried up a few months ago as soon as I find them.

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