Sunday, March 22, 2009

CSA, Pesto, Misperos and Sauteed Greens

I was told in the CSA email/newsletter group response from the farmer that the mixed greens we received this past Tuesday were "a mix of green and red mizuna with red russion kale and totsoi" and, if I understood correctly, also baby turnip greens. I wish there was a way that I could identify the leaves for sure. The farmer himself doesn't seem to know what they are. I find that strange considering that he is the farmer, but perhaps he has various greens and gave some people this and some people that. It is the only explanation I can come up with.

It was suggested, to prepare these green I can make them into a pesto or saute them like spinach. I don't like spinach...not sauteed. I can't stand the texture. I'll eat it fresh or baked, but gooey is not my kind of thing. Still I will give it all a try. I have to be open-minded to these things. Just because I haven't liked something in the past doesn't mean I wont like it now. Besides if I don't like it my husband will. He loves sauteed spinach. I can make some for him. As for the pesto, this may be the route to go for myself. I will have to find some good recipes first.

What is pesto? After a little research I read that it is usually crushed basil with garlic, onions, salt, pepper and it is made into a sauce to be spread over pasta. That sounds great. I don't see why I couldn't do the same with these mixed greens.

More on pesto:

By the way I forgot to mention that Wednesday the 18th I picked Misperos from a Mispero tree in my mother's back yard. They are completely organic, very pretty and so tasty. Take a look at the picture below. I filled the bucket below to the top in under an hour.

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